Arbitrum Introduction

A product of Offchain Labs:

Arbitrum is a true layer 2 solution for Ethereum based on optimistic rollups. In exchange for some ease-of-use trade-offs, transactions on Arbitrum are much faster and cheaper.

Rollup explainer:

(And how this relates to $$ saved for the user.)

In short, all transaction data is made available on mainnet (Ethereum) but optimistic rollups use a separate network (Arbitrum) to perform network calculations. Transaction validity is guaranteed by a crypto-economic challenge process.

Network security guarantees are especially important platforms in which users lock up a significant amount of capital for a significant amount of time. While there are other networks and sidechains that are cheaper and faster, Ethereum roll-up solutions (Arbitrum, Optimism, ZKrollups, etc.) offer the highest security guarantees while minimizing transaction costs.

Read more about Roll-ups here:

Read more about Arbitrum here

Arbitrum vs. Optimism:

When creating a non-fungible piggy on the Ethereum mainnet, the gas costs were quite demanding. This is due to the amount of information needed to correctly execute a piggy. Layer 1 gas costs were running around:

The fees in the current market have increased by a factor of 100. If gas cost fluctuation is taken into account, when there is a market event and the gas price goes above 200 gwei, settling a piggy goes from $42 to $88 right when one may want to take that piggy action. This does not make for a great user experience.

If we look at the reductions from using Arbitrum, we get the following picture:

Using Arbitrum as a scaling solution, SmartPiggies can be created, auctioned, and settled for under $5. This is more in line with the SmartPiggies mission or bringing access and opportunity, where before there was little to none.

There are other advantages to using a layer 2 solution, for example escaping the code size limitations inherent to the Ethereum mainnet, and yet more advantages to using Arbitrum. For more information, please visit the Arbitrum docs.



2 At current prices as of 2021

Last updated