Approve Collateral

Allowing SmartPiggies to hold the collateral

To approve collateral, switch the toggle next to the desired token listed under the Manage Wallet dropdown menu:

The SmartPiggies application will only list certain collateral tokens. These tokens have been tested, and authorized for use on the SmartPiggies platform. It is recommended to use only homologated tokens with SmartPiggies, however any ERC20 token, that includes a decimals() function, can be used.

Note that an approval must be made for each collateral token a user may want to participate with. If a buyer wants to buy a piggy that holds DAI and another that holds USDC, an approval must be made for both DAI and USDC.


1 Tokens are technically not sent to the SmartPiggies smart contract. Technically ownership rights are just transferred on the token's smart contract. In this example, the ownership rights of the token are changed from the creator/writer to the SmartPiggies smart contract. When the creator withdraws the collateral after settlement, the ownership rights of the tokens are assigned back to the creator's Ethereum account.

2 Again, technically the buyer doesn't "send" tokens to the seller. In an auction, the ownership rights of the tokens are updated on the smart contract of the specific ERC20 token being used.

3 Truffle Token is a SmartPiggies ERC20 token primarily used for testing at this phase. There are additional uses being explored by the team for these tokens, but at this stage these tokens are purely used for educational purposes.

Last updated